Tune into earth.fm!

adminlp / Uncategorized / / 0 Comments / 1 like

Ever wanted to do a whistle stop tour of planet earth…taking in all the wonderful sounds, animals and landscapes along the way?

Then earth.fm – which launched on Earth Day 2022 might just be for you. Earth.fm Is a repository of immersive, natural soundscapes recorded all over the world by professional sound recordists and soundscape ecologists.  Each of the 445 soundscapes from 84 countries, which span a variety of landscapes from forests, rivers, oceans and prairies – is connected to conservation charities based in thoselocations.  The non-profit platform broadcasts these soundscapes completely free, only requiring optional donations, with the aim of supporting the charities involved in the restoration of our natural world.

Listening to ‘biophony’ or natural soundscapes has been proven through numerous recent studies worldwide to have a positive impact on our wellbeing (particularly as part of a mindfulness practice).  Additionally, these natural auditory environments are becoming increasingly scarce, as our growing population continues to encroach on the natural ecosystems which produce them. This makes recording and showcasing these soundscapes a particularly important commitment towards respecting, promoting and protecting nature.

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